The FINN® is a compact and durable LED sensor that is able to fit in just about any test setup. There are two different configurations to accommodate your set up needs – right angle and vertical styles. The FINN® is color specific, including infrared, so pick your style and match to the color of the LED you want to test.The FINN® color sensor does not require power and is simple to use. When placed in front of an illuminated LED of the corresponding color, the FINN® sends a signal through the probe to your test equipment, indicating color and brightness. Your LED tester using the FINN® is simple to maintain because you control the limits of this Go/No-Go test.
Provides color-specific LED testing for red, green, blue, clear, UV or IR LEDs
Is a low-cost tool with big QC rewards.
Is consistent and accurate to three decimal points
Provides quick, reliable measurements
Offers simplicity of use-no calibration, no additional hardware and no fiber-optic connections required
Is simple to mount and easy to implement